Master of Art of Philosophy

Diplomate in Comprehensive Nutrition

IART Fitness Clinician

Master of Science of Oriental Medicine

Yoga and Meditation Teacher

The word "macrobiotic" comes from the Greek macrobiotikos meaning "long-lived," from makros "long, large, great" and bios "life." Since 1932 "macrobiotics" has meant the study of longevity and rejuvenation.  

In 1797, Christoph Wilhelm Hufeland, who was the most eminent practical German physician of his time, published the English translation of his book Macrobiotics: The Art of Prolonging Life.  Hufeland practiced naturopathy, recommended a vegetarian diet for health and longevity, and, echoing the Taoists, stated that humans cannot achieve physical health without moral cultivation, because "without moral cultivation man is in continual contradiction with his own nature."  

In his landmark book Science and Civilization in China (Vol. 5, Part 2, 1954-present), Joseph Needham described the methods for cultivation of health and longevity developed by ancient traditional Chinese Taoist physicians as macrobiotics.  These methods included a whole foods plant-based diet, herbal medicine and supplementation, physical training with calisthenics, and moral cultivation regarded as essential to human longevity, including life after this life.  

Vegan Health & Fitness is for freethinking Taoist yogis who seek not only health and happiness but also genuine spiritual enlightenment and liberation.  Freethinkers are skeptical of all approved dogmas and doctrines and form their own opinions based on reason and direct observation, independently of so-called authorities including those claiming to be "scientific."  Freethinkers study Nature, including Human Nature as presented in body, mind and spirit, to understand the Natural Laws governing human health, strength, happiness, peace, and moral and spiritual growth.

Vegan Health and Fitness focuses on building health and fitness for longevity using a healthy lifestyle, including

  • a vegan whole foods plant-based diet
  • evidence-based nutrient supplementation
  • herbal medicines and herbal supplements
  • brief, high-intensity, precision strength training
  • mobility and flexibility training
  • aerobic fitness training
  • proper hygiene, including sleep hygiene
  • moral and spiritual cultivation

A Taoist yogi (man/woman of knowledge) seeks not only to improve the quality and length of the life one presently has, but also prepare him- or her-self for eternal life (immortality).  A man or woman of knowledge values physical strength and health because these are the material foundations for leading the noble life that prepares one for death and the consequence of one's intrinsic spiritual immortality: eternal return.  

Like it or not as a spiritual being endowed with consciousness and conscience you have eternal life and by Natural Law you will reap what you sow.  If you live a noble or good life, you can expect to receive the fruits of those good seeds.  If you live an ignoble life, you can expect to reap fruits of the same kind.  

To clarify what I mean by a "noble life," here is the definition of "noble":

NOBLE (ˈnō-bəl)


  1. Possessing outstanding qualities: illustrious.
  2. Of high birth or exalted rank: aristocratic.
  3. a)  Possessing very high or excellent qualities or properties. b) Very good or excellent.
  4. Grand or impressive, especially in appearance.
  5. Possessing, characterized by, or arising from superiority of mind or character or of ideals or morals; lofty.

Derived from earlier *gnobilis, literally "knowable," from gnoscere "to come to know" (from PIE root *gno- "to know").  

The noble path is for the man or woman of knowledge,  the old soul who first of all deeply understands that material things can not satisfy our deepest hunger because they have no ultimate reality or value.  Every material thing decays.  An old soul tires of such trinkets as fast as a child gets bored with his Christmas gifts.  The human of knowledge seeks to know that Supreme Being which is the One Self, and treads a path of self-knowledge, self-mastery and self-realization; the Dharma Way or Tao.

Knowing others is wisdom;

Knowing the self is enlightenment.

Mastering others requires force; 

Mastering the self needs strength. 

––Tao Te Ching (Dao De Jing), 33.

Although the Tao is in theory easy to find because it is our True Nature, from experience I know its not easy to follow because "people love to be sidetracked" by distractions:

If I have even just a little sense, 

I will walk on the main road and my only fear will be of straying from it.

Keeping to the main road is easy [natural],

But people love to be sidetracked.

––Tao Te Ching (Dao De Jing), 53

From a young age I have felt my mortality and sought the meaning and purpose of life, suffering and death.  I have trained body, mind and spirit, aiming to bring thought, word and deed into harmony with the Way.  I have spent many hours studying the insights of the most illustrious of sages and sacred scriptures of ancient nations.

"Now look, you Kalamas, do not be led by reports, or tradition, or hearsay.  Be not led by the authority of religious texts, nor by mere logic or inference, nor by considering appearance, nor by the delight in speculative opinions, nor by seeming possibilities, nor by the idea: 'This is our teacher.'  But O Kalamas, when you know for yourselves that certain things are unwholesome, and wrong, and bad, then give them up...And when you know for yourselves that certain things are wholesome and good, then accept them and follow them." – Gautama the Buddha (Anguttara-nikaya)

Over my 6 decades I have put many teachings to the Buddha's test, have made many mistakes and indeed acquired a bit of wisdom from the ancient sages, and now I bring their wisdom to these pages.

"Not by the weak, not by the unearnest, not by those who practice wrong disciplines can the Self be realized.  The Self reveals Himself as the Lord of Love to the one who practices right disciplines."  Mundaka Upanishad II.2.4

I pray what I offer here will help you obtain strength, health, truth, freedom, a good life, and indeed to realize your union with the Supreme Being.  I would be honored to help you live your noble life.  To exit this dark age we need noble men, for only noble men can produce a Golden Age.  

Victory to all noble men!  

Start the Noble Path of Strength, Health and Wisdom!

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